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For Anyone who has joined a company in last 120 days.. orViews: 437
Feb 17, 2010 7:12 amFor Anyone who has joined a company in last 120 days.. or#

Gery DiMarco
How did you learn of the opportunity?

What was the biggest factor that convinced you to join?

Did you research the company/officers ?
---If so, How?

Was your sponsor new themselves?
---If so, has this proved to be a problem?

How many days since you joined? __________

This is not a test and I am not trying to learn how to find a company. I am collecting information for a possible upcoming article. No names, no companies. Thanks.

***or if you have nbeen in your current company longer than 120 days and would like to answer the questions , you may but please state how long you have been nolved wit your current company.

Gery DiMarco
Facebook: gery.dimarco Twitter: gdimarco

Private Reply to Gery DiMarco

Mar 08, 2010 10:19 pmre: For Anyone who has joined a company in last 120 days.. or#

Tony Rush
Hey Gery!

Here are my answers:

1. I saw it on Twitter from a guy I respect
2. The product and uniqueness of the opportunity
3. Yes. By looking at their past track records
and their other business affiliations.
4. No; he's been involved for 7 months
5. Roughly 2 weeks

I hope that assists! Would love to read the article when
you're complete!

Tony Rush

Private Reply to Tony Rush

Mar 08, 2010 11:16 pmre: For Anyone who has joined a company in last 120 days.. or#

Mary K Weinhagen

1. I was actually a consultant with the company 25 yrs ago and heard about it from a neighbor

2. The products (as well as earning income from sharing them) were the biggest factor for joining (again)

3. Yes. I did research online to see if the company was still in good shape, what kind of leadership currently existed in the company... and made phone calls to others who would be likely to have access to inside information about the company today

4. Nope... sponsor has a track record of several years with the company

5. It's been about 3 weeks since I joined

Private Reply to Mary K Weinhagen

Mar 09, 2010 12:42 amre: re: For Anyone who has joined a company in last 120 days.. or#

Melissa Jackson
1. A close friend

2. I watched her business grow for the past three years. Noticed how much she enjoyed the business and the income.

3. Yes, checkout out other companies in the same business.
Spoke to others. Met with some.

4. No. Sponser is doing well and offers assistance.

5. I joined less than 60 days ago.

Melissa Jackson

Private Reply to Melissa Jackson

Mar 14, 2010 5:01 amre: re: re: For Anyone who has joined a company in last 120 days.. or#

anandji mishra

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happy earning

Private Reply to anandji mishra

Mar 27, 2010 10:57 amre: For Anyone who has joined a company in last 120 days.. or#

Eric Youle
I joined a company before Christmas. Introduced via a lady I met at a networking function. Thought that the company would provide a service which I could integrate into my existing business. And found the contact very knowledgeable and helpful.

Using but not promoting the service.



Private Reply to Eric Youle

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