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MLM for Serious Network Marketers
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The End of SeriousMLM on Ryze...Views: 536
Apr 10, 2010 1:41 amThe End of SeriousMLM on Ryze...#

Chris Janssen
Well, I've kicked it around before, but it's time to put the final nail in the coffin. The SeriousMLM network was one of "The" networks on Ryze for quite some time. Over the years I've met a lot of great people here that have made such a great contribution to us all on the network. The reality is for everything there is a season, and the season of this network is past. We'll all be moving on to bigger and better things. I cherish the friendships we've cultured here. I have established a SeriousMLM group over on Facebook, so if you want to keep in touch check that out. I'm also always open to Facebook friend requests as well. Thanks to all of you and best of luck until our paths cross again!

Make it a great day (and a great forever!)


Chris - Follow me on twitter at http://twitter.com/gettinricher34
"Cherish your memories, look forward to the future, but LIVE today"
Founder - Beginner's Network Class - http://beginnersmarketingclass.com/?rid=51
MLM for Serious Network Marketers Network - http://seriousmlm-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to Chris Janssen

Apr 10, 2010 8:48 amre: The End of SeriousMLM on Ryze...#

Eric Youle
Hi Chris
Sorry in a way to read your post, but its the right thing to do, times have changed, the action has moved on.

Thanks for all you have done here, will keep in touch on the other forums.

All the best.


Private Reply to Eric Youle

Apr 10, 2010 2:24 pmre: re: The End of SeriousMLM on Ryze...#

The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

Sorry to hear about this great network. But with everything there is a season. Best wishes for all your Future Endeavors. I will keep in contact with you.

The Eagle

Private Reply to The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

Apr 10, 2010 3:55 pmre: re: re: The End of SeriousMLM on Ryze...#

John Snyder
Unfortunately, this is Typical since most "young" People prefer Social Networks instead of Business Networks such as RYZE. I personally, do not have time for the Giddyness of Idle Gossip on Networks like Facebook. If you are determined to turn Your Network into a Social Forum, then Do it and get it over with. I will not join you there, I will look for you and others on Twitter, however. You can find me there @ProfWordsearch. You should also continue to spread your Wordsearch Ad over the Internet Via your Blogs. You may also link to http://www.wordsearchadz.com if you wish and promote Wordsearch Adz . This is where your Wordsearch Ad is parked in "Pick-A-Puzzle" .
Best of Luck, Catch you around.
Prof Wordsearch

Private Reply to John Snyder

Apr 10, 2010 10:40 pmre: The End of SeriousMLM on Ryze...#

Eric Youle
Hi John
I understand you feelings about Facebook. But in reality it is what you make it. The people you interact with there are all of your choosing, you invite the people you want to interact with and ignore the chattering masses. F/B is incredibly powerful in that respect.

I guess with all Social Media there is the suggestion that you only connect with friends and resist the temptation to go for quantity rather than quality - personally I seem to be going for numbers mainly as a way of getting my name and thoughts to as wide a group as possible, and turn off all the posts generated by the FarmVille type games.


Private Reply to Eric Youle

Apr 11, 2010 3:14 amre: re: The End of SeriousMLM on Ryze...#

Chris Janssen
I'm not saying the Facebook group will in any way be a substitute for Ryze. However, the network here has run it's course. Over the past few months I've made some attempts to jump start things, and it just appears as though it's time to pronounce it dead. I would love to keep in touch with so many of the wonderful people I've met here. It's just time to move onto something else for me.

Make it a great day!

Chris - Follow me on twitter at http://twitter.com/gettinricher34
"Cherish your memories, look forward to the future, but LIVE today"
Founder - Beginner's Network Class - http://beginnersmarketingclass.com/?rid=51
MLM for Serious Network Marketers Network - http://seriousmlm-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to Chris Janssen

Apr 11, 2010 10:37 am re: The End of SeriousMLM on Ryze...#

Eric Youle
Wondering how many are on the other forums such as Linked In http://au.linkedin.com/in/eyoule

thatMLMbeat - http://thatmlmbeat.com

VirslNetworkers http://viralnetworkers.ning.com/profile/EricYoule

Maybe we can keep in touch there.


Private Reply to Eric Youle

Apr 12, 2010 12:39 amre: The End of SeriousMLM on Ryze...#

Walt Williams
Chris, Could you leave this up for a week or so, please?

Over time, there have been some incredible resources (including links) posted here by a variety of people.
I'd like a little time to 'copy' them before this forum disappears.

Thanks in advance,

Private Reply to Walt Williams

Apr 12, 2010 11:46 amre: re: The End of SeriousMLM on Ryze...#

Susan Graves

Sorry to see the network close.



Private Reply to Susan Graves

Apr 12, 2010 3:30 pmre: The End of SeriousMLM on Ryze...#

Barbara Pinyan
Sorry to see it go but I am like you Chris. Facebook is definitely the place to be right now. I just added you as a friend and look forward to networking with you there!

Barbara Pinyan

Private Reply to Barbara Pinyan

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