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Whole new thought process just hit me today!Views: 313
Jan 06, 2011 7:25 pmWhole new thought process just hit me today!#

Jeff Beeman
Any of you following any of my posts at this time should know I am very heavily promoting the use of Blog's... right? Specifically Network blogging!

Man have I been missing the boat! A very bright light bulb went off for me today. Some that read this may go "well Duh Jeff" Others I hope will also see what I'm seeing now and take advantage of it as well! (This might be one of those little secrets the Guru's don't want you to know so approach with caution!)

I'm still working out the total
"Big Picture" but take this into consideration when you evaluate your business or other various opportunities being plugged right now.

With Network Blogging you can make money one of several ways.
1) Re-Sell the system - NOT MLM but normally at least 2 levels deep.
2) Monotize your BLOg with ads from Click Bank, Google, Amazon.com, Ebay or any number of other affiliate companies.
3) Sell advertising rights to your Blog
4) Use it as a lead generation system for your primary business.

Big deal right?? Well, what I finally figured out today was this...One of the factors to any MLM not doing well is that you do have to depend on other people to do there share of the work...RIGHT? With a Network Blog system you are not networking just people. You are Networking the technology as well! So, if the people are not out promoting the "Business" the Blog's still can be doing some of the work for them or more importantly YOU!

Network blogging gives you the same basic concept as having 60 people in your downline. Put 20 people in with 3 blogs each and BOOM! That's 20 people your making residual income from every month off of each Blog = 60 Blog's (In our system that is 35% of $37 = $13 x 60 = $780 per month!!) PLUS...Tons of traffic to your BLOGS creating even more income off of your affiliate advertising on your Blog! It can add up quickly!

$111.00 Monthly right now could put 3 blog's into action for you and they work 24/7 including Holidays!. How much are you investing in your business right now for 3 people who may or may not be growing the "Business"? PLUS - The time involved is minimal once up and operating. Just saying! Something to think about!

Happy 2011!

Jeff Beeman

Private Reply to Jeff Beeman

Jan 06, 2011 8:34 pmre: Whole new thought process just hit me today!#

Walt Williams
Well said, Jeff. The numbers are more grim than most presume when depending upon the number of people required to actually work and succeed in a traditional downline for themselves and for you.

One of the Amway biggies wrote a book awhile back about his experience. He personally had to speak with many thousands of people to find just 35 who would consistently produce anything at all, (but 11 of those 35 made him a millionaire).

Most will not speak with even a hundred folks face to face or on the telephone.

Could not a couple of your points apply to just some company's replicated website? It is impersonal and works 24/7 too. It re-sells the system and some do lead generation for you too. I do concur with your other points about the uniqueness of blogging.

Now consider applying to your new thought process of today the old fashioned telephone calling techniques to boost your network blogging. That would put your plan on steroids!

Anyone want to share a surveyed leads order? (Surveyed leads are a higher caliber of lead than an opt-in lead.) I've not ordered them yet.


Private Reply to Walt Williams

Jan 06, 2011 10:22 pmre: re: Whole new thought process just hit me today!#

Jeff Beeman
Walt asked...Could not a couple of your points apply to just some company's replicated website? It is impersonal and works 24/7 too. It re-sells the system and some do lead generation for you too. I do concur with your other points about the uniqueness of blogging.

It could Walt BUT...and this is a huge big booty But! LOL!

#1) Free Replicated Sites do not drive unsolicited or unique visitors. They do not rank in the search engines and they are not Networked with the other sites through a unique domain.

#2) Our Sites are a Word Press Blog and 2GSM (our affiliate company) supplies all the needed, latest and greatest plug ins so you don't have to be a techy to figure out how to get SEO (Search Engine Optimization) out of your Blog. (That would be where part of the monthly fee goes!)

#3) We also load, at least once a week - More if you want, a professionally written post that is SEO rich in content and available tags. (This is where most of the rest of the monthly fee goes...those pro written posts are not cheap!)

#4) We are a Network and you will share with some of the Blog's the same unique domain like http://newatmysite.com and because of that share traffic with each other as visitors go back and forth over the sites.

As far as the impersonal? Never would we be impersonal with our subscribers. I talk to mine regularly. Our unique visitors that come and go however? If they don't leave comments or follow us regularly then yes you are going to have some of that. Again it blows away the replicated or FREE Blogger Blogs that so many use. You are almost forced to have real contact with real people!

Great way to build new leads lists as well since you mentioned it! ;o)

Private Reply to Jeff Beeman

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