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To much Hype or Keeping the Dream alive??Views: 284
Jan 15, 2011 11:53 amTo much Hype or Keeping the Dream alive??#

Jeff Beeman
I know the majority will tell you not to get all Hyped up about your business or how you market it these days. Any, somewhat experienced, marketer knows by now that you are not going to make thousands of dollars the first week of joining an MLM. Right?

However I have gotten away from some of the dreams I once had and have to wonder if I/we should re-examine how we get people excited about our opportunities.

Thanks to my "day job" I walked into a gorgeous, 3 car garage 2 level brick home, next to a golf course yesterday. It was owned by a couple probably a little younger than me. As I pulled into the drive and looked around at the other beautiful homes in the neighborhood my first thought was "THIS IS IT"! My Dream House!! Once inside and seeing the big open foyer, with an open stair case, the plush carpet and furniture I felt a little light headed from excitement.

I try not to be to much of a worldly guy. My focus the past couple years has been on producing an above average income to pay the bills and maybe allow me to work full time from home...and that is what I try to market to most of my prospects. However to build a large business does it make more since to talk up the "hope" or the "real possibility" of one day owning that nice home, cars and traveling where and when you want to. Of course we still need to keep it grounded! Networ Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Direct Sales takes work and sacrifice. No getting around that fact. BUT - Yes, I have to believe, after yesterday, you still can have that big dream and succeed!

Happy 2011~
Jeff Beeman

Private Reply to Jeff Beeman

Jan 16, 2011 5:28 pmre: To much Hype or Keeping the Dream alive??#

Tony Rush
I think the word "hype" might be misused in this context. We're basically talking about the difference in marketing with small-goal examples or large-goal examples, right?

I think it depends on a lot of factors.

I've noticed in my own marketing that the "wealthy lifestyle" message doesn't seem to pull as well today as it did even three years ago. The economy is very different and I think the "average" prospect may have trouble relating to a marketing message that talks about being able to live in a million-dollar home or driving a Mercedes.

The irony is that those things are still JUST as attainable as they were three years ago. But, if the group mindset of the "herd" is on doom-and-gloom......then it makes sense as marketers to meet them where their thinking is.

For that reason, a message of "here's how to take care of your two biggest monthly payments" is an attractive one to a lot of people.

At the end of the day, I think we all have to find the solution for this problem in our own way. For some companies/products/opportunities it may make sense to focus on showing people how to make a few hundred dollars a month and reduce the stress in their life.

In other markets, it may make sense to continue talking about the ultimate lifestyle goals of time freedom, luxury, international travel, etc.

Either way, one thing is true: the economy has shifted the mindset of the masses. And it's a good idea to always test and check to make sure that what we're doing is working better than what worked 6 months ago.

Tony Rush

Private Reply to Tony Rush

Jan 16, 2011 8:16 pmre: To much Hype or Keeping the Dream alive??#

Walt Williams
Congratulations on your move up in housing, Jeff. You are doing something right!

And yes, promoting the ability to make something like a car payment will net you a lot more tire kickers these days than jet trips and cruises.

Youth, however, is still triggered by the big, big dreams. It depends upon the demographic that sees/reads your promotion.

And by the way, news outlets are just now starting to suggest that the bottom is behind us. That too will influence the masses -- in a positive way.

And Tony, I know that prior to the economic meltdown you were involved with the really big ticket opportunities. I'm guessing you are not now --- understandably so.


Private Reply to Walt Williams

Jan 16, 2011 9:08 pmre: re: To much Hype or Keeping the Dream alive??#

Tony Rush
Walt, forgive me but I always smile when I hear someone
refer to a $1,600 product as a "really big ticket". Only in
MLM does someone refer to $1,600 as a lot of money to start
a business. :)

To clarify, I don't ever see myself promoting an income
opportunity where the product costs less than $500. It
doesn't make financial sense for my income goals.


Private Reply to Tony Rush

Jan 16, 2011 9:49 pmre: To much Hype or Keeping the Dream alive??#

Walt Williams
Cool, Tony.

Of course we both know individuals who've made a million or more with only a $26.95 product or there abouts. Pre-Paid Legal, for just one example, has 100 people who have done that. Here's a link to their names:

And no, I've not given all the details, as I'm not selling their product. But $500 per customer ain't needed. But you knew that. It is just nice to get it, if you can in this economy. :)


Private Reply to Walt Williams

Jan 19, 2011 3:05 amre: re: To much Hype or Keeping the Dream alive??#

Jeff Beeman
Well said Tony...The word "Hype" is thrown around a lot more than it needs to be.

Tony also said - Either way, one thing is true: the economy has shifted the mindset of the masses. And it's a good idea to always test and check to make sure that what we're doing is working better than what worked 6 months ago.

Testing, checking or tracking our results is a must if you really want to see real growth in today's market. The old "throw it against the wall and see if it sticks" routine just doesn't cut it any longer.


Private Reply to Jeff Beeman

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