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Business Building Resources / TipsViews: 1544
Apr 25, 2008 11:26 pmBusiness Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
This thread is a repository for resources & tips from Network Members which can help other Network Members manage/build their businesses.....regardless of what their business is.

The tips & resources shared here will focus on "helping others"......posts should cover the educational, informational, & practical aspects of our business efforts. The focus is on what can "benefit others".....not ourselves.

The contribution could be an informational website, downloadable resource, tape, book/ebook/report, radio/TV show, convention/conference/training....or whatever.

If we as a Network community support this concept then this thread should become the largest and most visited in the Network. That would shine a bright spotlight on MLM 4 Serious Network Marketers and it's mission within Ryze and the MLM industry.

To kick off this community effort the below resources & tips are offered:

** Home Based Business Show

...this is a INTERNET Radio Show found at http://tomchenault.com/ Once at the website just Click "Listen Live". Useful information is shared & topics discussed revolving around the needs of Home Based Business owners. HBB "experts" are frequent guests.

** Newsletter & Live Workshop From Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter

....tons of great info & even live training with a focus on recruiting and leadership. Tom "Big Al' Schrieter is an industry icon & one of the top trainers around.


** TimeZone Calculator For Determining When To Call Leads, Team Members, Etc

.....this link on timezones will make it much easier to determine the best time to call leads, Team Members, Business Associates, friends, etc. .... no matter where they are in the world.


** Direct Mail Service

.....here's an idea for anyone who uses direct mail. The USPS new “mailing online (MOL)” direct mail service - check it out at http://www.usps.com/mailingonline

** Google AdWords

.....here's a step-by-step process to set up a successful Google AdWords Campaign.....courtesy of Trafficology.com:


** Contact Manager

.....managing all your contact information can be overwhelming if you're not organized. Plaxo helps you do this easily...and free.


Ok folks....jump right in. Share away & help each other.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Apr 25, 2008 11:46 pmre: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
My friend Mike Michelozzi suggests this book for great ideas on how to sell....I agree:

Read "High Probability Selling" [or listen to the audios] you can get it at [and read four chapters] at http://www.highprobsell.com

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Apr 25, 2008 11:50 pmre: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
Here's a great free resource from Bob Proctor.....


Receive an inspirational e-mail every day
to keep you focused on staying positive!

He also sends out a great story every Friday.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Apr 25, 2008 11:52 pmre: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
Here's a highly recommended contact manager you should consider:


Oprius is a contact manager that’s integrated with all your calls, tasks, appointments, emails, and list mails. Key features such as automatic stay in touch reminders and follow up plans help you run your business like an expert.

Oprius is intuitive and very easy to use, for you and your whole team. With built in tutorial videos, a detailed help system, free live weekly training webinars, and a toll free support number, Oprius even trains your team for you too.

For those interested, I wrote a review of Oprius and posted it to Best MLM Resources:


God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Apr 30, 2008 12:04 amre: re: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
I ran across these doing a little surfing (as if I really have time for that LOL)... thought some of you might enjoy them.





Think about this....the frame of mind you're in will become the frame of mind of those around you.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

May 09, 2008 12:31 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
Here's a tip many may not be aware of. If anyone has other "I Never Thought Of That" insights....please share them as replies.


The most overlooked method of generating publicity for your business can be had with three simple lines of text:

Your Name
Your Business Name or Your Domain Name
Your City and State

All over the world, there are newspapers, magazines, online ezines and websites. Every single newspaper, magazine and online ezine generally accepts and publishes "Letters to the Editor."

In addition, webmasters are generally looking for solid testimonials that they can use on their websites.

Just think, if you were to take the time to read a few publications or visit a few websites and take the time to notify the publisher of your thoughts, you might just find your comments being published in all sorts of locations. You never know just where your next paying customer might come from, so take the time to get yourself quoted in these media outlets. You might just find more and more traffic and sales coming from places where you would never think to buy advertising.

NOTE: If you have other "Hmmmmm" ideas...by all means share them here as replies. We'll make this thread a repository for them to beshared with Forum members all in one place.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"


Private Reply to Michael Lemm

May 09, 2008 12:32 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
Consider writing articles.

You can get lots of free publicity if your article is picked up and published in ezines or as content in websites ... especially affective if the audience of the ezine and/or website targets your niche market.

Remember...just 1 ezine or website could reach 1,000s of potential prospects for you.

A key point is to write an article that is informative and useful to the reader....not an ad. Resource oriented or "tip" focused articles do well.

Remember to submit your articles to publishers and webmasters that you know....PLUS to article directories where publishers and webmasters go for content (see the Article Discussion Board here for ideas).

Don't put any personal links in your article....save them for your sigbox (short author bio). URLs which are actual domain names (not affiliate links) do best. Products and services do better than bizops too for links.

Another good place to have your articles published (in whole or refered to as a link) are blogs. Search engines spider blogs more frequently than regular sites. They'll pick up your link in the article and index it.

The more your article is picked up around the net the more incoming links will show up to your sites with the SEs. This does wonders for your PR (page rank) and ultimately traffic to your website(s).

An example of a good article directory to submit to is http://ezinearticles.com ..... Chris Knight runs a great program there. Do an author search for "Michael Lemm" and you'll see about 120+ examples of my articles. See how it's done.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"


Private Reply to Michael Lemm

May 10, 2008 1:20 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
This is an idea that a friend has used in his own industry of Real Estate, but I believe it can be applied in other industries as well.......

Realtors are great self-starters looking to break away from the rat race by being paid for their own efforts. Most of the successful and semi-successful are very much into self-development and they are interested in making big money.

Most real estate offices have a section where "affiliate service providers" such as, home inspectors, termite companies, marketing consultants, title company reps, escrow office reps etc... can leave a flyer or card in all the realtor's boxes.

You can approach one of these providers and volunteer to take their flyers and deliver it to real estate offices... what's in it for you?

Your flyer, card post card or message can also tag along for the ride and be placed inside the boxes of the agents.

Agents will retrieve their stuff and go back to their cubicle or office and review what they have. They just may be curious about your website, recorded call or what ever...

No cost way to get in front of a pretty good market...

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"


Private Reply to Michael Lemm

May 13, 2008 2:41 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Linda Abramson
You are indeed a plethora of information! Thanks for all the tips, links and ideas. I bookmarked a few I didn't know about. Thanks much and God bless you too.

Dynamic Solutions for Clean Air, Water & Health

Private Reply to Linda Abramson

May 14, 2008 8:50 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
Here's another inventive idea for you to chew on:

Participating in community charity activities. Just that simple....but with lot's of potential.

For example..... how about your group running in a local 5K for the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation.....all wearing T-shirts with your group/business name on it. Carry a sign across the finish line with "The Yada Yada company running for a cure" (or whatever....be more creative than that obviously....LOL). Talk to media covering the event. Network with fellow participants. Be involved.

How about your group volunteering to help at functions for your local YMCA ....or local library....or rec center....or PTA...or.... you get the idea.

Have something like a sign, banner, T-shirts that say who you are. But don't pass out brochures and company material. Just network and create visibility. Maybe have a few business cards in your pocket and hand them only to those who ask. You could also have brochures etc. in your car maybe.

Just DON'T make it look like a big marketing gimic. The public will see right through it. Instead create an identity & branding within your community. This establishes a sense of acceptance and curiosity you can build upon by following up with contacts made during these events.

We have a couple groups who apply this concept very well in our annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life. You could too.

Remember to adhere to any "rules" of the specific event sponsor and your particular company.

Basically....just be seen & have fun.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Jun 04, 2008 7:36 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
Tim Sales' newsletter at: http://brilliantexchange.com

One neat thing about Tim's newsletter is that it has an audio recording that you can listen to each time. Each call covers certain important areas of online marketing and prospecting. Very informative and straight forward.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Jun 06, 2008 1:09 amre: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Norma Strange
Have you checked out the post I put up about The Residual Income Game? I don't want to repeat here but I'm not self promoting. We're seeing great results and companies are integrating this into their training systems because it works for all levels of building network business - Recruiting, Training and Retaining. And... it does all of them at the same time, same game-based training event. You could have a new prospect, a distributor and a seasoned leader all gaining valuable relevant emotional practice and learning exactly what they need next all at the same time at the same game board.

http://www.ResidualIncomeGame.com or check out my other post

Any questions, email me at norma@residualincomegame.com

Private Reply to Norma Strange

Jun 12, 2008 2:55 pmre: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
I love free teleclasses. They're a great way to get an introduction to someone's material and find out if it's something you want to pursue further. I also love network marketing (at its best -- at its worst I'm as annoyed by it as anybody else). What makes the difference between good network marketing and bad network marketing? Training. More specifically, good training.


My friend Scott Allen turned me on to this free MLM teleclass resource.....GREAT stuff. Scott actually participated as an instructor OCT 15 .... offering his well known expertise on building your network online. I strongly suggest you watch for when Scott may be up on the schedule again. Great learning opportunity and well worth it.


There's a great variety of topics here from top instructors -- all free. And while the presenters are allowed to make a brief offer at the end of the call, these are packed full of content -- not just a 55-minute sales pitch. Here is a sample of what will be featured for the month of October:

*Discover the virtual handshake to build your network online

*Learn how to prospect like a professional

*Find out the 7 keys to getting all the free publicity you want

*Double your sales

*Know how to recruit with ease, to grow your team today

*Learn about the Irlen Method

*Find out how to manage fear

*Discover how to dump credit card debt

*Find three easy ways on how to empower children financially

*Envision how bio-energetic healing can change your life

*Learn how to deal with people differently

*Uncover the secrets to building your million dollar business

*Become wealthy without a job

*Create breakthroughs in every area of your life

*Know how to select a 6 or 7 figure network marketing opportunity

If you'd like to learn more, take a look at the detailed class schedule. The classes are free, but pre-registration is required (you can register through the schedule page).


God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Jun 13, 2008 11:24 pmre: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Judith Osowski
When my health and wellness company first gave us personal websites 5 years ago or so I was so excited! I figured now I would be doing lots of business online too. NOT! It took me a couple years and several thousand dollars to learn that it is very difficult to get top rankings in the search engines with an affiliate or replicated site.

Through a series of events I was introduced to Ryze where I met a gentleman who introduced me to a company that introduced me to the program I am now using to promote my business online. It is only $29.95/month and covers everything from hosting to search engine optimization and much more. It is truly unique and effective. I know there are thousands of people who are in the same boat I was in and could really benefit from hearing about this. So here's my link. Yes, I will get something out of it if you join, but so will you....and you'll get a lot more than I will, so take it in good faith please.


All the best,

Complete Online Business for $29.95/month?
This is my site: You get to pick your own

Private Reply to Judith Osowski

Jun 25, 2008 12:18 amre: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
You can't go wrong with any of the resources available at Jim Rohn's website: http://www.jimrohn.com

Tons of stuff from books, newsletters (great read), seminars, coaching, and more.

My favorite Jim Rohn quote...actually his wish for all of "us" is:

"I wish for you a life of wealth, health and happiness; a life in which you give to yourself the gift of patience, the virtue of reason, the value of knowledge, and the influence of faith in your own ability to dream about and achieve worthy rewards. "

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Jul 01, 2008 5:27 pmre: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
* John Milton Fogg's http://www.greatestnetworker.com/ has a ton of books, audios, articles, MasterMind calls, and other resources. Something for everyone.

* http://www.mlmlaw.com is a good resource for researching or answering legal issues related to MLM. Whatever your question may be this website gives you a good place to start.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Aug 13, 2008 9:35 pmre: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Liz Amason
Hey Everybody !!

What a mountain of information...but now how do I sort thru it and determine what to learn/initiate in my business first?

There aren't enough hours in the day....:;-)

Liz Amason
Independent Shaklee Distributor
Website: www.sowing4health.com
Blog: www.goodngreen.org
Vivix Website: www.shaklee.net/antiagingformula

Private Reply to Liz Amason

Aug 21, 2008 8:29 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm

You know how you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! LOL

Just pick a couple that look promising and use them. Once they're running ... pick a couple more. And so on.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"
FreedomFire Communications
Small Business Resources Cafe

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Sep 12, 2008 7:05 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
If you're a small business you need technology solutions to stay ahead of the competition ... and run your business effectively and efficiently. Flying by the seat of your pants is not an option.

And yes ... you are a small business. Whether it's MLM, Direct Selling, or affiliate marketing .... treat it like a small business.

For help, resources, tools, tips, and insights .... specific for Small Business applications .... Small Business Resources Cafe covers these topics.

Small Business Resources Cafe

You'll find articles and links to resources for .... setting up a virtual office, website hosting, computer support, email marketing, custom business websites, business cell phones & accessories, video surveillance & security, high speed business internet, "follow me" toll free 800 service, conferencing (audio, video, and web), free training for online marketing, PCs, Laptops, PDAs, peripherals, & more.

You'll also find articles and links to resources for .... search engine strategies for Small Business, internet marketing & promotion, social networking tools, how to write a business plan, information marketing, cold calling, analytics for internet marketing, email marketing, business networking, press releases, business mentoring, business cards & brochures, legal & business forms, and more.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"
FreedomFire Communications
Small Business Resources Cafe

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Nov 09, 2008 1:01 amre: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
Please keep sharing resources and tips for building your business here in this thread. Help network mebers by sharing your expertise and experiences.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Nov 09, 2008 1:45 amre: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Marty Snodgrass
Spybot is great, but it doesn't get rid of the vundo trojan. You'll need fixvundo from symantec for it. It's free. Of course, it'll need to run multiple times to fix. First hand experience.

Private Reply to Marty Snodgrass

Nov 10, 2008 8:02 pmre: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Kate Saunders

I personally really love Michael Oliver.  Check out his free email newsletter at this link:


This is a fabulous post - thanks to all for all the great ideas!


Kate Saunders

Private Reply to Kate Saunders

Nov 12, 2008 9:14 pmre: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
There's a good online radio station that is dedicated to Internet marketing programs. They have a lot of tapes, conference calls, etc. about various forms of online marketing.


God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Dec 18, 2008 4:38 pmre: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
Virus Tips & Information Resources .....

Tom Sparks has put up a site telling all about frequently asked questions concerning virus infections and how to fix them.

Knowledge is power - so bookmark this site.

By the way, you can email Tom with your questions, too.

Here's a good place to begin any query for help on viruses and other annoying internet pests -

Virus Information - http://tsparks.com/tom/virus/

Here's an example of some of the helpful content .......

Q. My browser home page has been taken over by another website! Also, when I do searches I get taken to a website I didn't want to go to! What's up?

A. Your browser has been hijacked, and your computer probably is also infected with Spyware. You can clean these nasties from your computer with some software called Spybot Search & Destory, free from Kola


If you'd like more resources and information on the subject visit the "Technology Professionals" or similar discussion forums on Ryze.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Dec 23, 2008 2:30 amre: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Gopal Dev
Building your business team is critical to long-term success in multi-level marketing. There are several different network marketing prospecting tools that not only quickly cut to the heart of the matter, but also rather raise an emotional response. Some examples of prospecting tools are CD's, brochures, and classified ads. You can also employ the visuals of an effective DVD or, in the information age, host all of your company information online. You can allow your prospects to access your online presentation in exchange for their contact information.

An increasing number of network marketers are now turning to the Internet so that they can prospect to an endless source of targeted leads. In this way, the goal of locating those who want to hear more about what you are offering is attained more easily, and can work 24/7. Unlike traditional MLM tactics like formal presentations, conference calls, and at home briefings, you don't have to be there. Your targeted leads can attend their own meetings at their own leisure. This removes any pressure or awkwardness your prospects might feel and will allow them to keep a much more objective view of you and your business.

Gopal (The Musical Mad Scientist and Entrepreneur)

Private Reply to Gopal Dev

Jan 09, 2009 1:07 pmre: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

John Snyder
Business cards are only the first step to marketing your business.
Take your marketing to the next level with postcards.

Postcards are hard to ignore!

Postcards are sent already opened and ready to read, ensuring your message will be seen - or passed along to others.
John Snyder
Prof Wordsearch

Private Reply to John Snyder

Jan 16, 2009 9:15 amre: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Dan Schutte
As a seasoned entrepreneur, I have learned that a major key to success is learning how to listen, learn, and laugh. In other words, show others that you care, be willing to grow from another's perspective, and be friendly in all that you do. Most people will respond with mutual respect and maybe even show some interest in what you have to offer. ;^)

Private Reply to Dan Schutte

Jan 17, 2009 1:53 amre: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Fran Treloar
Has anyone looked at SendOutCards? To get an actual card in the mail thanking someone for a referral or purchasing one of your products is very personal & I thinks it makes you stand out.

To Your Health,
Fran Treloar

Private Reply to Fran Treloar

Mar 04, 2009 7:37 pmre: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
With all the emphasis on online marketing, most people are probably forgetting one of the most powerful means of advertising available.

I'm talking about classified advertising in newspapers. Most people are aware of what you have to do to place an ad in a daily or weekly newspaper, but did you know there are companies that will place your ad in literally hundreds of papers with circulation's in the millions for pennies per ad? Instead of paying the ridiculously high ad rates newspapers charge for a single classified, you can get that very same ad placed in hundreds of newspapers for pennies. Usually about $0.20-$0.30 per ad.

Another good thing is that many of these newspapers will accept business opportunity ads too. Below is a list of a few companies you can contact or visit their web sites and see the prices of their advertising packages. Think about it, one ad that draws a response rate of .05%, that's 1/2 of 1 percent, on a circulation of 4 million can bring in $10,000-$20,000 in a very short period of time. Your cost for this type of ad. About $250-$450. These companies also offer less expensive packages if you just want to test an ad. But this type of advertising works. You can post your URL in the ad and still sell from your website.

Maybe you've never given much thought to this type of advertising related to your online business. Maybe none of your programs ever discussed this with you. Maybe they just don't know about it. But now you have a very powerful means of getting your message out that can earn substantial profit on your investment.

Here are some fine companies you can contact to see what kind of advertising packages they offer.

Nationwide Classifieds

Discount National Newspaper Advertising

You can also find great packages through state or regional press associations. Each state or region has press associations which consist of a group of newspapers. You can do a search at any search engine for 'press association' and find this information. Many will even help you with your ad.

Hope some of you can use this.....

[Note: personally I don't do bizop advertising with this...although I know some do and have had success. I've used it for products/services and it worked for me. For you....don't know. Likely vary by what you're offering and how well you target your market.]

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Apr 01, 2009 11:45 amre: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Viswanath Vundi
WOWzzy for Small Business Owners

Good News for Small business owners Create your Business Profile Online and Get great visibility for your business Online.
These Features which you can get from wowzzy Which can WOW you and your customers For Fraction of cost

* Easily create and maintain a professional business web profile.

* Include your business logo, photos and video.

* Fully interactive, make changes 24/7.

* Let WOWzzy.com help improve your visibility on internet searches.

* Ongoing submissions of business updates to major search engines.

* Easily distribute marketing materials online.

* Expand your customer base by using WOWzzy's communication tools and directly interact with consumers.

Vist WOWzzy and WOW your Customers

Private Reply to Viswanath Vundi

Apr 02, 2009 4:05 pmre: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Dave I.
Hello All,

I'm NOT here to promote MY Network Marketing Business to you because I KNOW you already have one of your own. :-)

Instead, I'd like to share with you some information I came across that I KNOW will help YOU take YOUR Network Marketing or MLM business to the next level, just like it did for me.

It involves watching the TOP PLAYERS in the Network Marketing industry show you STEP-BY-STEP how to make WELL OVER $10,000 per month in YOUR business FASTER than you ever thought possible.

Take a look, and see what it can do for YOU.


To YOUR Success,

Dave Ibitoye
Online Business & Marketing Coach

Private Reply to Dave I.

Apr 02, 2009 4:21 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

May 13, 2009 12:18 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
You'll find a nice source of General Network Marketing Training at http://www.danijohnson.com

* Register for free (You get minimal emails, only emails reminding you about the free confrence call)

* Go into the members area where there is a HUGE selection of free training material.

You'll get access to 60+ Hours of free generic MLM training with a wide variety of pre-recorded conference calls, and several christian based conference calls. You can easily use this as a training resource for your organization....very duplicatable.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Jan 11, 2010 12:53 amre: re: re: re: re: re: Business Building Resources / Tips#

Michael Lemm
Please add any business building resources/tips you may have to this thread. Members then have a "one stop shop" for lots of "learning opportunities".

NOTE: Do NOT use this to advertise your "stuff" (products, services, systems, etc.). Instead share insights, tips, information resources, tools, etc. you don't directly financially benefit from.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"

Private Reply to Michael Lemm

Jan 29, 2010 1:51 amBusiness Building Resources / Tips#

Liz McGowen
Great resources, everyone. Thanks so much for sharing so many helpful things to check out.

My go-to resource for learning how to do blogging and internet marketing is a free program called "Thirty Day Challenge". It's done live each year in August buy a guy named Ed Dale, and has daily videos to instruct and amazing top-notch resources. I first did it three years ago, and each year I follow along again just to make sure I'm up to speed on what's happening. You can do it at any time of year (it's just not live unless you join in during August).

For anyone considering a blog, that's the most useful (and free!) tool I can recommend as a foundation. Hope that helps.

All my best,

Liz McGowen
Blog: http://www.MLMNetworkMarketingLeadTips.com
Twitter: @lizziemcg

Private Reply to Liz McGowen

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